The Science Behind The Program
The program used integrates scientific evidence from multiple fields of study around the world and cutting-edge technology into one powerful platform.

The program uses anthropometry (scientific assessment of your body’s measurements), family history, and assessment of your lifestyle and environment to determine your phenotypical profile. This allows your app, to correlate predictive, preventative personalized health data and give you practical health advice.
Scientific Fields of Study
The Technology used collects data from your body and calculates complex algorithms to optimize your current health status through personalized, practical health advice.
Browse the summaries below of the most prevalent sciences found in the complex calculations included
This is the study of the effects of our two internal clocks on our health – the Central clock (relating to the dark/light cycle) and the peripheral clocks (found in each of the tissues within your body, preferring your tissues to operate in a certain way at a certain time. If your lifestyle does not allow you to fit in with your natural preferred cycle, these clocks try to adapt, but this adaptation does put additional stressors on the body, which has been related to significantly higher levels of serious illnesses and premature death. Central and Peripheral clocks differ between individuals, so it is important to identify the greatest synchronicity within you.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
TCM refers to a broad range of Chinese medical practices, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, tui-na, qui-gong and dietary therapy. TCM is devoted to quantifying the environment and it’s features, and how the body reponds to those. It focuses on harmony between the being and the environment, and it’s considered that both influence each other.
Ayurveda means life-knowledge. It deems that the most important factor in determining pathology is how healthy and able a person is of defending themselves against destructive internal and eternal pathogens. It seems that most of the weaknesses in the body are caused by toxicity, and so a parameter of health is how clean or pure the system is. This relates to both body and mind, and achieving a pure mind is very important to achieving overall health.
Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology is the study of the molecular underpinnings of cell replication, transcription, translation and function. It investigates biology at the molecular level, particularly interactions between various systems of a cell and the structure, function and regulation of proteins and nucleic acids essential to life. It overlaps with biochemistry and genetics with particular focus on DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis. The study of RNA looks into the function of the apparatus for the coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. Epigenetic changes are an active field of study in this science.
This emerging science delves deeply into the subject of environment and the partial introduction of it into our body in the form of food, air, water, and how they influence cells to activate definite functions. Certain diets trigger inflammation genes, and others switch them on. It investigates which molecules trigger regeneration, growth, and areas such as they process of glycation, particularly important in the study of diabetes and related illnesses.
Semeiotics studies signs and symptoms of the body to correctly identify, collate and interpret the origin of diseases. It can also identify the patterns of individual normality of heart rate, cholesterol, and perspiration, for example, therefore helping to recognize patterns that may be pathologic for that individual. For example, low heart rate could be normal for one person, but indicate a problem in another. It can offer great insights into deficiencies and dysfunctions in body systems, and corresponding levels of vitamins, minerals and biochemical balance or imbalance.
Phenotypology is the study of the exterior expression of your genetic expression. Your body, as it is today, is a combination of your genes, influenced by epigenetic factors, and therefore your external body reflects the way your genes are being expressed right now. Therefore, an individual’s physical traits and characteristics offer deep insights into the health or dysfunction of the body. Body shape, height and weight, waist and hip can be reliable indicators of certain metabolic tendencies and propensity for developing various illnesses. Signs in your body, such as cracked lips can be related to vitamin B1 deficiency; the length of your index ring finger is related to sex hormone dominance; and much more.
Neuropsychology is the study of how the brain influences your cognitive functions and behaviours. Today, we have the ability to measure the activity of specific areas of the brain and relate it to those. Some of this is determined by the dominant hormones, the differing predominance in the functional areas of the brain, and neurotransmitters in the brain’s chemistry. Risk taking behaviour, optimism and pessimism are all able to be predicted. There are also some correlations between the brain activity associated with vegetarian eating, and a more nurturing effect can be seen. These and other findings allow us to understand personality traits, and how personality state can change for differing people.
Ancestry and Genetic Lineage
Genetic lineage is a significant determinant of the ideal environment and lifestyle, and subsequent defense systems, for your health. An easily seen one is how people from a genetic history in a cold climate may be more prone to sunburn and diseases associated with a hot climate. Genes morph and evolve over time, however, therefore your genetic code is simply a blueprint, but does not in and of itself determine your future.
Embryology considers the development biology that takes place throughout the FULL life spectrum – from “pre-womb to tomb”. There are many factors that influence human development, this study helps understand the extent to which your phenotype can be influenced, and which epigenetic factors may be most impactful. It is known that the environment around the embryo in utero is highly influential of growth and development outcomes that last into the adult body function and behaviour.
Anthropometry is the measurement of the human body. Common measurements include waist, hip, height and weight. These assess phenotype to determine risk of certain diseases and function of certain metabolic functions. There are large numbers of anthropological markers that assess internal function of the body with validity, yet are not commonly used in regular practice. These include the measurement of wrist, neck, hand length, ankle and foot. These, and others, can give insight into the development, genetics and current function. There have been strong correlations found between these measurements and predisposition of disease risk, hormonal balance/dominance and genetic traits. When these measures and the ratios between them are analysed as a whole, the systems biology of the body can be better understood, telling us about the stability of your body and the dynamic elements of your health.
Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Medicine studies the best methods to create an optimal environment for the body to live and thrive. By altering lifestyle and environmental factors, gene expression is influenced, with the aim to return the body to homeostatis. Nutrigenomics (how nutrients affect gene expression) and Exposomics (how the environment influences cell and biological pathways) are just two of the sciences within this field. Exposure is considered to begin before birth, and includes variable exposures over their lifetime from all sources. Only about 1-5% of all disease is accounted for by genetics, and the rest by lifestyle and environment. This, coupled with evidence that in utero and early childhood lifestyle and environment exposures influence risk for disease later in life, substantiate Lifestyle Medicine as a significant field in present and future medicine.
Epigenetics is the science of how genes are expressed and changed over time, whether throughout a lifetime OR passed on through generations. Each cell holds DNA full of information. But not all is activated at once. Some lie dormant until it’s time for them to activate (like our natural ageing process), others lie dormant until something specific activates them, as is the case with some genetic conditions. Others may remain dormant because they are never triggered at all. It is increasingly being understood how these can be activated or deactivated based on epigenetics changes such as lifestyle and environmental triggers, like diet, exercise, pollution, sleep, stress and more.
Geomedicine focuses on the influence of geographic location and environment on health and wellness. As an obvious example, we can see that environment has an effect on skin colour, over many generations. Your location in the world, the seasons and even the local temperature and wind, all play a very important role in your health.
Endocrinology is the study of the physiology and pathology of the endocrine glands. These produce hormones that have many physiological functions including sustaining metabolism, regulating temperature, controlling sexual secondary characteristics, and influencing behaviour, personality and mood. Of all organs in the body, the endocrine glands are among the most important in influencing body shape, tissue quality, mood and behaviour. There is a natural variation between individuals when it comes to basal or active levels of different hormones. These variances make a significant difference to many aspects of human development and function, is commonly observed between the sexes and with ageing, but also a common occurrence between people of the same age and gender. Outcomes of these variations include different heights, predisposition to being angry or nurturing, the ability to absorb and utilize nutrients, or to dictate the response to exercise. Understanding hormone balance and dominance is essential to understand the pathophysiology of a condition, and your current state of health, and how that may alter the way to best manage that condition compared to another individual with the same condition, but differing hormone levels.