In recent years, we have heard much more reporting about how our health may be due to our genetics… the likelihood of getting particular illnesses, diseases and conditions.  It is relevant for both physical and psychological conditions.  This certainly seems to offer some very important and useful information, but it is not the whole picture.  After all, our genes don’t change over our lifetime, so why does someone with a gene “for” cancer, not show up cancer as a child, and may only get cancer in their 40s or more, or not at all?

In fact, it can lead people to a defeatist attitude, thinking they have no control over what is likely to happen to them. Some may feel it is not even worth bothering to live a more healthful, vibrant life, and just “enjoy” all the “indulgences” life can bring, because it will not have any effect anyway.

But it does. A HUGE amount!!

Only about 1-5% of all disease is accounted for by genetics, and the rest by lifestyle and environment (epigenetics). This, coupled with evidence that in utero and early childhood lifestyle and environment exposures influence risk for disease later in life, makes it critical to live a healthful life. Even more so, if your body has genes which increase your risk of serious illness.

But how do you know which genetic code you have, affecting your health?  And once you know this, how do you know the best food, exercise, home, work, climate, communication and other lifestyle conditions, are best suited to your genetic code?

This is precisely the information our health assessment provides, along with recommendations for all areas of your lifestyle.  It combines the information from your genetic profile, along with your current epigenetic factors, and we provide recommendations for your most optimum health, and coaching to help you implement and maintain them.

Epigenetics is the science of how genes are expressed and changed over time, whether throughout a lifetime OR passed on through generations.  Each cell holds DNA full of information. But not all is activated at once. Some lie dormant until it’s time for them to activate (like our natural ageing process), others lie dormant until something specific activates them, as is the case with some genetic conditions. Others may remain dormant because they are never triggered at all.   It is increasingly being understood how these can be activated or deactivated based on epigenetics changes such as lifestyle and environmental triggers, like diet, exercise, pollution, sleep, stress and more.

In modern anthropometry, it is known that every bodily measurement has a specific ratio when harmony is maintained. Anthropometric measurements are thus used as markers of health and disease, not only on their own but commonly as they relate to one another. Similarly, the body displays signs and symptoms that can be used to assess its current state of health.

Your body on the outside is a direct reflection of your health on the inside. From these simple physical assessments, our program personalizes data specifically to your body, RIGHT NOW.  It is designed to use the latest evidence in science and medicine to make health simple and easy for everyone